2000 -> 2003 Upgrade Strategy (new server hardware)
Currently running a single Exchange 2000 Server Enterprise Edition in native mode on a Windows 2000 domain with about 1400 mailboxes. I'm looking to upgrade to Exchange 2003 and I have a brand new server ready to go intended just for this.
Would it make sense to
1) Doan in-place upgrade on the existing 2000 server to 2003 then move everyone over via mailbox moves to the second (new) 2003 server
2) Do this all in one shot by leaving the existing server 'as is' andinstalling Exchange 2003 on the new box then subsequently moving mailboxes?
Any thoughts/experiences would be greatly appreciated.
November 14th, 2007 5:54pm
I'm not a big fan of inplace upgrades. I'd definitely fire up exchange 03 on the new box and move mailboxes.
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November 14th, 2007 7:13pm
I agree, upgrade installs are too high-risk (esp. when you have more than a handful of users). I've even gone as far as to setup server 2003 and exchange 2003 on desktop hardware so I could rebuild production exchange boxes.
November 14th, 2007 10:21pm
Thank you for the responses, I will look to proceed in this direction. It looks like the move mailbox tool in 03 will help move them over.
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November 15th, 2007 1:36am